In anticipation of LittWorld 2022 in Hungary, Media Associates International invites your participation in two writing contests related to the conference theme, “Stronger Together: Publishing Hope Beyond Crisis.”
Contest #1: Stronger Together. Tell the story of something you have seen or experienced in which Christians became stronger together. CLOSED – we are no longer accepting entries.
Contest #2: Hope Beyond Crisis. Describe a time when a Christian friend gave you hope when you most needed it. Entries accepted from October 1 – November 30, 2021.
Contest winners will receive cash prizes. Selected entries will be published on the MAI website and social media and compiled in an e-book for distribution to LittWorld 2022 participants.
We are now accepting submissions for Contest #2.
Contest Guidelines:
Submit an original piece of writing that has not been previously published in print or online.
Word limit: 600 total words or less. Entries exceeding this limit will be disqualified. (Your title and bio are not included in the word count.)
Give a title to your entry.
Language: Entries must be submitted in English. You may write your original in another language and have it translated. If your article has been translated, please send both the English and original-language versions.
Send your submission in the body of an email to mai@littworld.org. You will receive a reply within 5 days to verify that we have received your submission.
Deadlines: Submissions for Contest 1 will be accepted starting August 1 and through 11:59PM CST September 30. Submissions for Contest 2 will be accepted starting October 1 and through 11:59PM CST November 30.
Bio: Please include a short bio of 50 words or less.
Publication: By submitting an entry, you grant MAI one-time permission to share your article in our social media and in an e-book compilation of best contest entries.
Contest judging: Judges will evaluate your submission on the basis of its writing quality, overall impact, and takeaway value for the reader. Be careful not to “preach,” let the story carry the message, and use Scripture selectively. Show, don’t tell: Help the reader see and experience the story. Awards: The top 2 winning entries in each contest will be awarded cash prizes. First-place winner will receive $300 USD and second place will receive $150 USD.
*Entries by MAI staff or former staff, Board, Trustees, or their immediate family members will not be considered for prizes, but their participation is welcome.