The second International Zoom Call of Arts+Europe took place on the 20th of February, (14:00-16:00 CET), and it hosted about 81 leaders of various Arts Ministries, representing 40 nations. It was a great opportunity to gather via Zoom to learn about “Kingdom connections”, deepen relationships, welcome new people and to share briefly what is currently happening in different Arts ministries around the globe.

Dr Andrzej Turkanik, Director of the Quo Vadis Institute, delivered the keynote speech on Psalm 46, where leaders are called to bring praise to the house of God (Jerusalem). The earth is not stable anymore, and fear is not a good companion, but God is our helper in trouble. Andrzej focused on the importance of imagination: the psalm speaks of a river bringing life to the city, but there is NO literal river in Jerusalem! So, how can artists support developing this “river” that God´s glory will be seen in the city?
We split up into ten "language / regional groups" and discussed the given questions, share challenges and best practices, and listened to learn from each other’s experiences.

What is your vision of the “river whose streams make glad the city of God”?
What could an “imagination refresh” for Kingdom connections look like?
What two practical steps will you take to deepen your involvement with and support of artists working in areas different from yours (see graphic)?

After having shared the “most significant outcomes” from our groups, we had the chance to tune into a Sofa interview with conductor Delta David Gier, a dynamic voice in the American music scene, recognized widely for his penetrating interpretations of the standard symphonic repertoire, passionate commitment to new music, and significant community engagement.
Watch David´s insightful thoughts on The Importance of Networking - it´s obstacles and blessings here:
John Baker´s Closing Prayer encouraged and blessed our time together. You can read it here!
Save our next call dates (14th May, 18:00-20:00 CET) and check our new resources, which give you a chance to learn from in our experiences and research.
See you next time?