Arts+ Europe invites leaders and representatives of Christian-based Art initiatives and ministries in Europe
Our first zoom call on 17th October was a few months ago… It was a joy to bring together almost 50 participants from all over the world. We heard about new ministries, shared concerns deeply and prayed together. Your valuable feedback has stimulated us to further develop the concept.
We have decided to offer four calls this year, where we aim to foster “connection” and “community” within regional alliances and language groups all over Europe and beyond:
Why are “Kingdom connections” so hugely important?
What is the advantage of it?
How can we build and express community especially in these challenging times of Covid-19 with it’s strong cultural restrictions?
Each gathering will provide:
Welcome and introduction
a specific keynote in one of our four focus areas:
Academic world / Art & Society
Inspirations for best practices from "experienced" leaders
Breakout sessions in regional and/or language groups (depending on range of participants)
a “Sofa” interview with a challenge
a brief update of recommended resources
The call will take place via Zoom on Saturday, 20th February from 14:00-16:00 (Central European Time). We encourage you to be online 10 minutes prior to that, so that we can start on time.
Registration is required (before Saturday, 13th February)!
Check your time zone:

Pacific Time (Vancouver/Canada): 5am Central Standard Time (USA: Minnesota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin): 7am Eastern Standard Time (e.g. USA: North Carolina, Canada: Toronto, Woodstock): 8am Greenwich Mean Time (e.g. United Kingdom): 13:00 Central European Time (e.g. Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland): 14:00 Eastern European Time (e.g. Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia): 15:00 Standard Time (e.g. Australia: Melbourne): 00:00 (12pm)
Our Keynote Speaker in February: Dr. Andrzej Turkanik

Andrzej, a native of Poland, born and raised during the Communist regime, completed degrees in music and art (Poland) as well as theology (Germany, United Kingdom). The Quo Vadis Institute, of which he is Executive Director, is dedicated to helping ask the questions as to what true human flourishing means in the changing societal landscape in Europe and the Western World and how cultural renewal can be stimulated.
Sofa Interviewee: Conductor Delta David Gier

David has been called a dynamic voice on the American music scene, recognized widely for his penetrating interpretations of the standard symphonic repertoire, passionate commitment to new music, and significant community engagement.
The list of orchestras he has conducted is very long. Check his page to find out more on his engagements! https://www.deltadavidgier.com
Target Group:
Arts+Europe invites leaders and representatives of Christian Art Initiatives and individual artists who have a passion for networking and for the common goal of forward progress in the sphere of the arts and faith.
Breakout Sessions:
Are you willing to lead a local/regional language group? This includes:
Connecting with us beforehand to discuss the focus of the call,
receiving the discussion guide,
and clarifying any questions you have (this can be via email or a short video chat)
Facilitating your breakout group discussion
Sharing a little feedback from your group when we return to the main room.
Ideally, we’d love to have consistent group leaders, so please consider committing to this for the year.
If you’re uncomfortable leading a group, but willing to try, mentoring with one of the executive leadership team is available. People of the Arts+Extended Leadership Team and Arts+Partners are explicitly invited to participate as co-leaders. Let´s get in touch!
So now we would like to invite you to be part of this ARTS+ Europe call in February and ask you to fill in the registration form (Click here to register)!
Deadline: Saturday, 13th February!
-> Only registered people will receive the Zoom link shortly before the Call.

With kind regards and blessings,
Your Executive Leadership Team
John M. Baker, Dianne Collard, Jill Ford, Jim Mills, Beat Rink, Verena Schnitzhofer, Krisztina Tarjányi, Amy Williams
Support us!
IBAN: CH46 0900 0000 6000 6304 6
Address: Schweiz. Evang. Allianz, Josefstrasse 32, 8005 Zürich
Please add: ARTS+Europe
Save the Date: Next Arts+ Europe Zoom Call:
Friday, 14 May,18:00-20:00 Central Europe
11am-1pm Central Time/USA 12:00-2pm Eastern Standard Time/USA 17:00-19:00 United Kingdom