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[Book] Doorway to Artistry: Attuning your Philosophy to Enhance Your Creativity

by Esther Lightcap Meek

Recommended by Steve Thrall (ARTS+Europe)

Your artistry involves you intimately with the world around and beyond you. So your artistry involves profound but simple philosophical matters. As a human person, you are artful and philosophical, at the core of your being. Doorway to Artistry offers a playful, everyday philosophical approach necessary for life, integration, healing, and thriving in artistry. It reflects on the real and how we are involved with it, especially in our creative effort. In short, the real hospitably welcomes us, and in our artistry we reciprocate in noble courtesy. Human persons were made for this communion with the real. Find in this book a hospitable welcome to belong at home beyond where you are.

Quoted text taken from The Rabbit Room Store, where you can also order the book.


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