On speaking of the benefits of being part of the Arts+ network, one of our panelists on this call said, “It’s like discovering a network of cousins you did not know, who welcomed you and invited you into their house to eat with them.”
Our third Zoom call served to illustrate the essence of Arts+: a gathering of 45 leaders and influencers in the Arts from 20 countries in Europe and beyond, with panel members representing our four key areas of interest, being The Academy, The Church, Artists and The Marketplace.
Panelists were Nadia Molugova, Russian and working in Florence as leader of the Florence Classical Arts Academy; Matt Swanton, Australian and working as Head of Creative Ministries in OM Belgium and Lawan Glasscock, USA, Executive Director, Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA).
In the discussion we learned about the ministries represented by each panel member, the sort of collaborations they have developed with others in the field and the way the pandemic released them to do some things they had always wanted to do. We heard about areas of growth and change experienced and the value of their connections with Arts+. There was much discussion of the nature of creativity from different perspectives, outlines of projects under way, of bridges into the ‘secular’ world, new ways of delivering content and a general excitement about engaging with the rest of this group and discovering others with both shared and diverse initiatives. Finally, a sense that this network facilitates doing together what you cannot do alone, leading to current initiatives to form more National Roundtables.
Revelation 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me”. Do please come and knock on our Arts+ door where you will surely find a welcome from your cousins in the Arts.
Rewatch the Panel here:
Download the Final Prayer here: