ARTS+ Switzerland awards the "Prix Plus 2023", endowed with CHF 2000, to the poet Vera Schindler-Wunderlich for her poetry collection "Langsamer Schallwandler".
The jury writes: "Vera Schindler-Wunderlich succeeds in an outstanding way in her third poetry collection "Langsamer Schallwandler", published in 2022, in revealing perspectives on the Christian faith with a surprising variety of linguistic forms and images."

The sponsorship award, endowed with 500 francs, goes to CUP OF COLOR.
The jury writes: "In numerous art projects (wall murals), the artist collective has given a voice to oppressed and disadvantaged communities. In this way, they have not only initiated processes of change and built bridges in society, but also conveyed hope in a very practical way."

The public award ceremony took place on Thursday, 9 November 2023 in the Kulturhaus Helferei.